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Digital Permaculture commitment

In June 2023 Dominik Jais released the Digital Permaculture book. The EuPN is a Digital Permaculture Design.

The EuPN pledges to the following Digital Permaculture Principles:

  1. It's about our members!
    "Involve the users"
  2. All software used by the EuPN must be either FOSS or OSS.
    "Use and value (F)OSS"
  3. All tracking data must NOT be shared with 3rd parties - no Google Analytics
    "Design for privacy and transparency"
  4. No CDN loading - no Google Fonts
    "Design for privacy and transparency"
  5. All our digital services should be with an as low as possible carbon footprint and renewable hosting is a MUST
    "Use and value renewable resources"
  6. Text and image first, then audio, then video
    The scale of energy

The EuPN website is graded as A+ according to - with 0.08g of CO2 per website visit - Website carbon