Teacher Profile
Last updated 16.02.2025
The EuPN website comes with a sophisticated teacher profile. You are able to provide a lot of information about your permaculture education and your experience as a teacher.
- Activated account
Filling in your profile
After you have logged in your profile is at /user
We have created a short video for you that shows you how to edit your profile. Visit PeerTube.
Once you are filling in fields other fields become dependant. When you for example tick the PDC box you get other fields you can fill in.
Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk *
Parts of your profile
Your permaculture education
- Your Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC)
- Your Teaching Permaculture Teachers Certificate (TPT or similar)
- Your Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design (or similar)
Your services
- Langue you offer services
- The courses you teach
- Whether or not you are a tutor
You contact details
Your public contact details are visible to every logged in member. Your website link is visible for everyone. Your private e-mail address - the one your account is associated with - is only visible for admins.